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The Horrors Persist but So Do Aye-Aye

The Horrors Persist but So Do Aye-Aye

A game by Megan L. Ramirez
Solo Paid

A Solo Journaling RPG

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  • The Horrors Persist but So Do Aye-Aye is a solo journaling role playing game, the first from a somewhat anxious little goblin named Megan L. Ramirez. 

    Based on the Carta SRD from Peach Garden Games, this single player game is played with standard cards, a d6 and d20, writing implements, and included prompts. Download includes the 15 page Player's Guide (both as a PDF and in plain text) and 52 prompts, plus 2 end scenarios. Lightly cosmic horror flavoured, you play as an aye-aye who is perhaps a bit more than meets the eye, seeking to protect and restore Madagascar from illegal wildlife trafficking and deforestation.

    Additional Notes:
    This game is Human Made! (Hi, it's Megan. I'm the Human.) Absolutely no AI junk here.

    Please note that files are best viewed on a PC, if available. Some formatting on mobile may be a bit askew (although not game-breakingly so).

    If you enjoy this game, I would love to hear it! Feedback and shares welcome.

Release Date

The original date that this game was published.

  • Nov. 10, 2024

A listing of all languages that this game is available in.

  • English
Age Rating

The Tiny Table Index uses the standard ESRB ratings to indicate a game's appropriateness for various age groups.

  • Teen (13+)

The types of form factor the game is available in.

  • PDF
Campaign Types

Different games offer playstyles that might last one or more sessions.

  • Single Session

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Tiny Table Index

The internet's new definitive directory of solo and duet tabletop roleplaying games, their supplements, and the external tools made for them. Index entries are submitted by the passionate community that makes these games so special.